Thursday, December 3, 2009

BBC give me reason for optimism

Well, its been a while since the BBC have reported on stories of child sex offenders and ive enjoyed the break. Today, they tell this story "without" discrimination:

~~~~~Sex Abuse Church Elder McConaghy 'Too Fat For Jail'~~~~~

The word paedophile is no-where to be seen.
How did this happen? Was it just a fluke? or are they starting to realise that naming a person's orientation who has sexually assaulted, is completely irrelevant to the crime. This man was scratched to the face in order to stop him from attacking...(it was said), so maybe the next time (as tragically inevitable it is), a child is attacked or raped, then they will not feel the need to blame "me".
I fear though, that when a child is raped and murdered in the future, my orientation will get dragged through the mud once again. The next time that happens, it could well be dooms-day for me.

I hope society has started to adjust by then

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