Saturday, October 24, 2009

At last

I have decided to dedicate this blog to "The Prejudice Against Paedophiles".
This is brand new and this is my first post. Over the next few weeks, months and years i will add stories i discover and the experiences in my life. The main reason for this blog is to encourage people to reset their beliefs about paedophiles and begin to rebuild new ones. I have alot to say about it and if you are willing to open-up your mind, i feel certain i can make you think twice about many of the views you may well already have. I am not saying i have the ultimate answer, who does? I am saying that I am a paedophile and i know what it's like to be one.

I expect to hear words of hate and disgust initialy, but in time when the blog has grown, i hope this will be significantly reduced.
I welcome all comments even if you feel you have to show hatred towards me.

Lets start with a question:

Do you feel there is mainstream prejudice towards paedophiles in our society today?
Please explain in as much detail as possible for your answer...Thankyou and i look forward to discussing it with you.

Ive decided to allow the first two comments to remain.
People of low intelligents that enjoy attack. I wonder how perfect these people are......i think they have issues more serious than mine, and by far; are a greater risk to the public.