Sunday, November 15, 2009

BBC on "Parents 'should spy on web use'"

Why is it so difficult for the BBC to drop the word "paedophile" when talking about sex predators, rapists and killers just because the victim happens to be a child?
Roy Whiting, who raped and killed little Sarah Payne is still being called a paedophile. The words "harm" and "paedophile" should not be associated with eachother as "harm" is NOT the desire of a paedophile, but was the desire of Roy Whiting.

There have been thousands of good examples over the last few years of the discrimination against us, but i only have the time to comment on future recurrences; starting with this one.

Here is the link to the page in question:

I sent an email of complaint to them over these two sentences: (see below)

a)"Parents should monitor children's web use to protect them from paedophiles, campaigner Sara Payne has said."
b)"Mrs Payne, whose daughter Sarah was murdered by a paedophile, admitted "spying" on her own children as she launched Real Radio's Websafe campaign."

To the BBC,
This is regarding page titled: "Parents 'should spy on web use'"

Everytime this happens, my heart races, and for a few moments i feel out of breath as you attack me yet again. I tell you that to make you realise the affect the media like yourselves have upon me on such a regular basis. These will always feel like personal attacks and with respect, you are very wrong to do it.
I have complained before and will continue to do so as i have a right to live in peace.
I have re-worded the two affected paragraphs in hope that you will understand the situation me and thousands of others face everyday of our lives. We deserve rights.

The sub-heading should read similar to:
"Parents should monitor children's web use to protect them from SEX PREDATORS, campaigner Sara Payne has said.

The 2nd paragraph should read similar to:
"Mrs Payne, whose daughter Sarah was murdered by a CHILD RAPIST, admitted "spying" on her own children as she launched Real Radio's Websafe campaign.

Sarah Payne's killer was NOT a paedophile! He had no attraction other than to harm and kill. That it NOT paedophilia! As soon as someone deliberately harms a child, that someone's actions is proof that paedophilia was NOT the motivation. This is plain and simple as if you look to the word's origin, you will see that i am right.
I very much welcome an explaination as to why you persist with your hate campaign against paedophiles like myself. The reply i had to my last complaint was simply an acknowledgment. Am i not worthy of an answer? The story of Mrs Payne's advice makes your news, but the barbaric discrimination i face because of a sexual orientation you choose to ignore, but instead decide to take part in. If you felt the country hated you through no fault of your own, what would you do?

Shame on you BBC.....really

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