Saturday, October 24, 2009

At last

I have decided to dedicate this blog to "The Prejudice Against Paedophiles".
This is brand new and this is my first post. Over the next few weeks, months and years i will add stories i discover and the experiences in my life. The main reason for this blog is to encourage people to reset their beliefs about paedophiles and begin to rebuild new ones. I have alot to say about it and if you are willing to open-up your mind, i feel certain i can make you think twice about many of the views you may well already have. I am not saying i have the ultimate answer, who does? I am saying that I am a paedophile and i know what it's like to be one.

I expect to hear words of hate and disgust initialy, but in time when the blog has grown, i hope this will be significantly reduced.
I welcome all comments even if you feel you have to show hatred towards me.

Lets start with a question:

Do you feel there is mainstream prejudice towards paedophiles in our society today?
Please explain in as much detail as possible for your answer...Thankyou and i look forward to discussing it with you.

Ive decided to allow the first two comments to remain.
People of low intelligents that enjoy attack. I wonder how perfect these people are......i think they have issues more serious than mine, and by far; are a greater risk to the public.


  1. i wonder if u get your balls chopped like a dog it would stop u u should try it , i do it for u if u want me too i have apair of rusty scissors some where sick fuck

  2. "Do you feel there is mainstream prejudice towards paedophiles in our society today?"

    Yes, and quite rightly! I'd have you chemically castrated.

  3. It encourages and warms me, to see more of us stepping back out into the blogosphere.

    I should caution you, that blogger [and youtube/google] are only known to give empty lip service, to any notion of supporting controversial speech. In fact, blogger has had serious issues, involving gross abuse/harassment of bloggers by it's nameless and unaccountable administration.

    I've witnessed [first hand, and the cases of others], blogs being abruptly deleted for no other reason, than the owner stating that they are a minor attracted person [MAP, pedosexual, etc.]...You don't even have to express any opinion, that people, maybe, should accept aspects of pedophilia.

    Google, and it's subsidiaries, are much more concerned, that some big mouthed bigot is going to run to the media, and sully them with the pedophile stigma, by claiming "google supports and promotes pedophilia [by allowing people like us to have blogs here]"...

    Frankly, google/blogger, does not deserve to have quality bloggers...Not after the way they've mistreated so many others, who only wanted to be a part of the blogosphere, like anyone else.

    Baywords, on the other hand, has been very good and respectful towards me. They don't have the same options for blog customization as blogger does, but they do let you blog as you see fit, without interfering and destroying your work...or debasing you, once you've established a presence.

  4. Why do u feel that there is a predjudice againt's people like you?

    The name you was given, is due to try and understand why you feel the atraction on young or babies?

    You do know you are doing wrong and feeling wrong? so why have you not sort help, there is a number of places to help people like you.

    Why put effort in saying people are prejudice and not gaining insight of yourself and help that is around?

    If you feel this way, go to your family or friends and gain support that way. If you are so right then majority will follow.

    sry you do not come across as a person who has people attacking or yet yourself show yourself to people close and find there understanding, if you did, you would find that they would say, gain help and work on your attraction.

    This is not a gay or lesbion issue, as in nature it is found, you need to find why you have this and how to progress and follow through.

    Saying all of this, i find you disturbing, as you have the time to do this, but not work on yourself.

  5. "Why do u feel that there is a predjudice againt's people like you?"

    Has Joe not explained that properly? You must be reading another blog.

    "The name you was given, is due to try and understand why you feel the atraction on young or babies?"

    This is where i realised you were an expert on this subject

    "there is a number of places to help people like you."

    Please would you post the addresses of these places and explain the method of help.
    It's always the ones that cant grasp it, that are the ones that struggle to make sense of their own words


All i ask is that you don't use obscene language or leave death threats. Thankyou